Local Photographs
 Local Photographers

held 20.09.08 to 28.09.08

Ray Solness

Ellie Smith, Graham & Barbara Grocott, Eileen Reeks
and Berith Codner


4 local photographers exhibited their beautifully presented fantastic photographs of scenes around the Royal National Park, Bundeena and Mainabar. They are : Graham Grocott, Barbara Grocott, David Reeks (from Bundeena) and Berith Codner (from Maianbar). They all belong to the Sutherland Shire Photographic Society, which meets monthly in the Girl Guides Hall in Como. If you are interested in photography and live in the Shire, you are very welcome to join the group.
While all have been interested in photography for many years, Berith since school days, Barbara has been taking photographs seriously for the last 5 years, and has reached an amazing standard; she and Graham have 3 adult children and 2 grandchildren. Berith and Graham have both exhibited (and sold) in the Bundeena-Maianbar Art of Living Festival; Berith also in the Maianbar Art and Craft Fair, despite having two teenagers to look after. David Reeks, the local well known Bundeena pharmacist, has been a serious photographer for 40 years, but has not exhibited before. For each of them, the selection of photographs to exhibit, (out of the thousand or so they have), the type and style of framing etc was quite a challenge, especially for Barbara and David (their first exhibition), but the result was truly remarkable. After the opening, ably addressed by Bundeena local "icon" Ray Solness (father of the well known nature photographer Peter Solness), over 100 visitors saw the exhibition.

Click here for info on the Shire Amateur Photographers' Society
(look under the menu)


